Friday, 15 March 2013

Pilates and games night!

Oh boy! Did my Pilates class. I find it rewarding, it exercises in a quiet way. You don't realise how much you have done until later that day, or the next day! Tonight my arms are feeling it. Luckily my hairstyle now will let me just rough dry it as holding the hair dryer up will not happen in the morning I think!
This may have issues for me tomorrow as we have a games night tomorrow. My offerings for the evening will be chicken pieces coated in a herb or cheese crust, as well as other things! Games nights are fun. We sit around, the men drink, we all eat our goodies then when the men are suitably drunk we get out the games! Ladies win most times!

On another note, we may be getting a puppy! Penny may be having a little friend! I hope she finds her as a friend! They are Chinese Crested x Maltese shi tzu puppies, only a few weeks old at the moment, we should be able to go see them next week and hopefully choose if we have a black one or white. Or as in past experience, the puppy will choose us! We are getting a little bit excited!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Tonight I danced!

What a few days I have had! Well, Sunday we went to another Fringe Show: The Lady Sings It Better. They were one of the acts from Titters, a showcase of female talent. Anyhow, these ladies sang male orientated songs but with the female twist. They were awesome! One to watch again!

Monday was the day off for a horse race! Due to it being a Public Holiday all shops were shut, so we went to the movies. Bad choice! We saw "I give it a year" and wasted an hour of our lives! We did have a coffee after that helped make up for it!

That was then, today is Wednesday, and I danced! I dusted off my tap shoes popped them on and with other older ladies we danced at the dance studio! It was good fun, we did some warm ups, some corner work then we did a dance! So good!

Now I am knackered. Night!

Saturday, 9 March 2013

My manicure

Today I went for a manicure and pedicure. Hubby gave me a voucher for my birthday and I decided to use it. My nails needed doing and we are going out for dinner tonight for mums birthday. However, as I sat there with a little Asian girl tending to my feet I didn't feel right. Why? I don't know. I have never felt comfortable. I wanted to ask how much she was paid an hour, knowing my mani ped was $60 and took about an hour. She had been busy all day, she was tired, there was customers waiting. Would she have been paid a fair wage? I hope so, the place was a hive of activity, generating a good turnover.

So my nails are done, all I have to do now is put on my dress and go get dinner. I will return later!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

My week

I have had a funny week. Not funny haha but oh dear funny. Monday was a work day. It was good, helped children and teachers. Felt good. Worthwhile. Tuesday was mums birthday, so after another morning at school I got her some flowers on the way home then when hubby came home we went to see her. She is now 80 years old and still active and lovely. Every morning she wakes up and thanks God, well, at 80 she says she never knows if she may not wake up! Apparently she has a wedding venue picked out. Just got to find the groom. I asked her not to have a long engagement! Love her to bits!
Then today. Oh dear! Started well. I have a reading group from my year 6/7s. We are reading a lovely book called Kiss the Dust by Elizabeth Laird. All about a family involved in the Kurd and Saddam Hussain Iraqis war. The children are willing to read, enthusiastic and observant. If they don't understand a part they will ask.  A great group. Then I had some guys working on something else, wanted to bang my head against a brick wall! It involved a plane crash, one lad said a bird flew into an engine, that would cause the crash. Yes I said, it could. Another said a snake caught in the engine (this happened recently on a Qantas flight), this probably wouldn't cause it said I, but it happend said they, yes said I, but the plane didn't crash. Hmmm, said they, ok then, how about a crate of snakes? Have you seen snakes on a plane said I! Anyhow, managed to get them away from the snakes, and onto the topic in hand with just enough time to write the piece! Then my day hit a black spot. Most of my children were then in committees or otherwise engaged and I felt like a spare part. Not a fun feeling! However, this afternoon I was redeemed. Two boys, both with issues came out of the class to work with me and we had a pleasant afternoon of working and talking. Social skills. People forget that we need to learn how to talk to others, how to wait our turn to speak.
Then my day hit the rocks again, I had to go to the dentist! Love my hygienist and dentist, but I hate going to them! Chris is lovely and chatty while she cleans and polishes, Rob has a lovely manner and dreamy eyes but I wish I didn't have to go! And now after the pulling around I have face ache. Panadol and bed for me soon!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

My novel!

As I was sleeping the other night, an idea for my novel popped into my head. This is not unusual, but it is unusual in that when I woke up I rememberd it! All day my mind played with it, then that evening the words tumbled from my fingers and a Prologue was written. Chapter one is now happening, unfortunately the first attempt is about to be squashed up into a ball and placed in the rubbish bin. You see I have just had another idea for it! Instead of it just being her, it will be him and her! They will oth speak! Yay! It may work! If I can keep myself interested enough I may be able to get to the end of the story and not finish half way through....or less! So tomorrow when I get home from school I intend to have a writing session. I am flexible on this, due to life gets in the way!

On another note, today I introduced daughters boyfriend to the English delight of Toad in the Hole! Sausage in yorkshires, that's all it is! It was a bit late due to the fact the cake took its time to cook. It was a marble cake, turned a lot chocolatey but was nice! And of course we all know you can't put 'wet' stuff in the oven with a cake or it won't rise properly. So dinner had to wait a bit! Cake was lovely, so was dinner! Made some carrot cake cupcakes too! Yummy! No weight loss this week! Whoops! 

Friday, 1 March 2013

It's been too long!

It feels ages since I last wrote! I have been a bit tired and just vegged out infront of the tv playing Hay Day and Candy Crush. How sad is that? Very!
Hubby was off work yesterday and today. Not ill or anything sad like that, but following his other passion in his life: the Adelaide Clipsal 500 V8 racing. His first passion is watching cycling apparently. After being married for over 26 years I knew he meant that I was in there somewhere! So off he goes to the city, there he will meet up with his parents who also love the sport and they have a jolly good time. Me, I watch it on TV, with the aircon on if I need it and a cup of tea when I want. Come Sunday he can be a bit over spending time with his parents!
One of my passions is reading. At the moment I am reading a book from the library on my ereader (very rarely read a proper book now, they are always on the ereader now!) that I thought was of an era and place I like, Scotland in the times of lairds and maidens, from 1500s. Well, it's more like Scotland in the 1800s with damsels in distress being loved by the lairds. Yep, it's the Fifty Shades set in Scotland in times past! Three stories in one book, all on a similar theme. Reading them because they are there! Honest! However, got me thinking, I have never read the Fifty Shades series but some people think this erotica is new, come on peeps, it's not. It has been around for ages! Mills and Boon know all about it! There's is tamed down but it is there. Then there are others they just don't have all the hype about them that the Shades had!
Completely changing the subject, saved us from a big vets bill today! Penny, our little Cavalier King Charles got a grass seed in her paw today. I noticed she wasn't happy walking and had started to lick her paw. Well, she eventually let us look and while hubby held her I checked it out. I was about to give up and phone the vet when it touched my finger! It was a burr type. The ones that get matted into fur (or socks!) and cause distress! Upon retrieval, and a little cuddle better she trotted off a happy little girl! No more paw licking and now sleeping in the cool draft from the fan!
Time for me to sign off now, have a good weekend! I will.... hubby is out tomorrow and Sunday at the V8s!