Monday, 25 February 2013

Just realised...

...I didn't write anything yesterday! *shock, horror*  please forgive me! Not sure if anyone reads this, but if you do I am sorry!

So yesterday after going to get our lotto win ($29), we took boy to his gang show rehearsal then went to Glenelg. It's a lovely sea side district in Adelaide, clean sandy beaches, beautiful people and nice place to go! We didn't go there just to be there, but we had tickets to a Fringe show. We went to see Afternoon Tea with Joyce Grenfell! Well, we were the youngest ones there! The performer, Liz Hurstle did a great job! She sang the Grenfell songs and did some monologues, did costume changes on stage and entertained us. In the interval a High Tea was served, dainty club sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and brownies, washed down with a cup of tea! All very civilised and lovely! This was all done with mum hubby sitting down on a sore backside.

You see, he went out on his bike in the morning, and came off it. Apparently it was one of those times you wish you had a camera on him. It was a slow slide, luckily narrowly missing being impaled on a star spike. But instead he bruised his bum, well, his hip, and bumped his shoulder. He got off luckily! However today the bruise is black and blue and he has dropped his pants so many times showing people I am expecting a sexual harassment case against him!

After such a good day yesterday I didn't get such a good morning today. A couple of the children in my class are causing me worry. So I got home and as per normal my therapy is in the kitchen. I bake! Today while dinner was bubbling in the slowpot (beef with veggies and potatoes), I put a banana loaf in the oven. I then made a spinach quiche and a Bakewell tart. To use up the pastry scraps I made some cheese and vegemite fingers. I now feel counselled and calm! My waist will not be happy!

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