Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A catch up on news

Sorry I have not been here much! I have been busy! What have I done I hear you ask, well, let me tell you!
Firstly I have been working extra hours at school in the library. The librarian has been off for a major op and asked me to fill in for her, keeping the library tidy and re-shelving the returns. Loved it. Wish I could pick up more time in there!
Secondly, hubby has not been too well. Depression is a nasty illness. He has had it before but never this bad. He is on medication and seeing a therapist now, and having good days and bad. At the moment the bad are outweighing the good.
We have also had mums 80th birthday! We went out for dinner with her on the Saturday, and popped round on the big day. She had a good time.
I have also been knitting again, finding it very therapeutic. I finished a tea cosy, and am now making another! The one I finished has a bunch of roses on the top! The one I am making now is for The Biggest Morning Tea! It is blue with a daffodil on it! I started as I was on the iPad too much. I don't like making big stuff,  so finding patterns of small things is good!
And another little thing happening in our world, we have a new puppy! A work colleague of hubby's dog is mum, we went to see the puppy's and fell in love with one! She is a Maltese Shitz tzu x Chinese crested puffball. Very tiny but with bags of personality! Her name is Maylee, answering to May. She is also called MaisieMoo, piddlepot, and munchkin. She still spends a lot of time sleeping, but can be awake and arguing with Penny at 11 pm! Love her to bits! Amazing how something so small can fit into your heart so quickly!
So, that's what's happening here, what's happening in your world?